News & Updates
SE Recycling is committed to ensuring we remain at the forefront of the latest WEEE directives, Government white papers and industry standards to ensure the best possible service to our clients.
SE Recycling is committed to ensuring we remain at the forefront of the latest WEEE directives, Government white papers and industry standards to ensure the best possible service to our clients.
Extending the Life of IT: SE Recycling’s IT Refurbishment Initiative
Extending the Life of IT: SE Recycling’s IT Refurbishment Initiative In today’s fast-moving tech world, IT devices are frequently upgraded, leaving behind outdated yet functional equipment. Rather than contributing to the rising issue of e-waste, SE Recycling is committed to IT refurbishment, ensuring that used devices, including refurbished [...]
The Escalating Challenge of IT Waste Recycling
The Escalating Challenge of IT Waste Recycling In today's rapidly advancing digital era, the proliferation of electronic devices has led to a significant increase in electronic waste, commonly known as e-waste. This category encompasses discarded IT and communication equipment, including computers, smartphones, servers, and other electronic peripherals. The surge [...]
SE Recycling: Leading the Way in IT Disposal and Recycling in the UK
SE Recycling: Leading the Way in IT Disposal and Recycling in the UK In the fast-paced digital era, responsibly disposal of redundant IT equipment is critical. SE Recycling, a premier IT disposal company in the UK, provides secure and sustainable disposal solutions, specialising in zero landfill practices and efficient [...]
ROI Continues to Raise Funds for Charity
ROI Continues to Raise Funds for Charity through their Sustainable Efforts By teaming up with SE Recycling (SER), Return on Investment Ltd. (ROI) has raised £343.53 for their chosen charity – Centrepoint through the sustainable recycling and disposal of their redundant IT equipment. With help from SER, ROI ensured [...]
Rullion Continues to Raise Funds for Teenage Cancer Trust
Rullion Continues to Raise Funds for Teenage Cancer Trust In partnership with SE Recycling (SER), Rullion has successfully raised £303.73 for their chosen charity – Teenage Cancer Trust through the sustainable and ethical recycling of Rullion’s redundant IT equipment. By SER’s assistance, Rullion is able to ensure that their [...]
The Second Life of Your Retired Laptops: SE Recycling’s Refurbishment Services
The Second Life of Your Retired Laptops: SE Recycling’s Refurbishment Services In today’s fast-paced technological world, businesses frequently upgrade their IT equipment, leading to a surplus of retired laptops and other devices. Disposing of outdated technology is neither environmentally friendly nor economical. SE Recycling specialises in WEEE recycling, focusing [...]